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Number and counting cards depicting numbers made with with natural resources found in autumn. Inspire children to develop early maths skills whilst also connecting with nature.


The pack includes numbers 0 to 9 and associated counting cards which feature the number of items on the number card (e.g. number card 9 is made using rowan berries and the associated counting card shows 9 rowan berries).  20 cards in total. The number cards also state which resource has been used to form the number to help the children learn to recognise and identify these things in nature.


Number and counting cards have many uses, but here are just a few ideas to start with:

  1. Pairs: Place the cards face down. Take turns drawing two cards. If you turn over a matching pair of number and counting cards, you keep the cards and have another go. If you don’t turn over a pair, turn them back and the other person has a turn.
  2. Sorting: Children can sort all the number or counting cards into numerical order. Or take two cards at a time and discuss which one is higher or lower / more than or fewer.
  3. Matching: Children can match the cards into pairs of number and counting cards.
  4. Spot it: Take the cards to the woods. Draw a card and find that many of that item e.g. two hawthorn berries.
  5. Number trail: Place all the number cards face up scattered around an area. Children follow the cards from 0 to 9.
  6. Adding up: Draw two number cards and add the numbers together. Use the matching counting cards to help count up.
  7. Be Inspired: Children can create their own numbers using found natural resources.


I love seeing other ways to use the cards. Please share your Nature Number Card play with me by tagging @hiddel brock wood on Facebook @hiddelbrockwood on Instagram.

Printable Nature Number Cards

  • This is a digital download in secured (not editable) PDF format. Cards are A6 size, formatted 4 per page for easy printing on an A4 printer. 250gsm+ card is recommended. Cards are formatted for printing with a small border around the sheet so they work on printers that don't have borderless printing. They are formatted to be cut out with rounded corners for child safety.  The file is formatted for double sided printing, or print every other page if you only want to cards to be single sided and blank on reverse.

  • This is a digital download only. There will be no product shipped.
    All digital downloads are non-refundable. 

    Copyright © Abbey Scott t/a Hiddel Brock Wood. All rights reserved. Digital Products for download on this website are for personal and education use ONLY and not for resale. When you purchase a printable, you are purchasing a single licence; therefore, it is to be used by the original downloader only. When downloading an item, you agree that you will not sell it, copy it, share it, or use it for commercial purposes. Copying is prohibited. This product may not be distributed or displayed digitally for public view. Failure to comply is a copyright infringement and a violation of UK and International copyright laws.

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